Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Blogging can improve your pagerank for ebay sellers.

Now don't just think this is about ebay blogs.

You blog will have it's own pagerank. Pagerank is the heart of Google's search software. As your blog gets higher in the rankings, the links on the blog also begin receiving higher ranking. This means your webpage, ebay store, etc will go up in the rankings.

Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote, by page A for page B. Of course Google looks at more than just the volume of votes or links a page receives; the software also analyzes the page that cast the vote. So votes cast by a pages that hold important information on the subject are given a higher ranking and help to make other pages "important".

Therefore, if your incoming and inbound links from your
blog lead to your webpage, ebay store, or auctions achieved a good PageRank, then for sure it will contribute to the enhancement of your complete PageRank rating.

So the idea is to simply keep blogging, keep posting, keep
networking through reciprocal linking and exchanging inks, keep getting listed in directories that can categorize your website, and keep producing webpages which
are highly optimized for the search engines.

There are many factors that go into PageRank but one thing is for sure, if you produce many blog posts and more articles that are highly optimized for the search engines. You will surely reap the rewards of all the hard work and dedicated writing that keeps you up late, even past midnight.

Think about this. If you're a big Forum poster and you spent half the time in you normally spend in the forum by writing blogs that only lead to your site, your pagerank should increase substantially.

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